Cannabis Cooking Certification Program
100% online / 12 hrs / 5 courses / 1 yr access
Students gain the skills to launch a cannabis edibles business and work in any cannabis manufacturing facility. Courses cover correct dosing and preparation methods, in addition to creating cannabis edibles, infusions, and more. Students also gain insights into state or provincial requirements, business licensing, and operational aspects, preparing them for success in the cannabis cooking field.
ANSI/IACET Accrediated
Est. 2013
Money Back Guarantee
Designed For:
- Cannabis Cooking Careers
- Cannabis Manufacturing Careers
- Cannabis Chef Careers
- Cannabis Production Manager
- Hemp/CBD Cooking Careers
Program Outline:
Class 1: Intro to Cannabis Basics and Cooking
Learning Objectives: Upon completing the Intro
Lesson 1: What is Cannabis? – Cannabis, often known as marijuana, pot, weed, or ganja, has diverse uses both recreationally and medicinally. This lesson will uncover the origins of the cannabis plant and explain strains. You’ll also learn about its parts, seeds, and be introduced to the endocannabinoid system.
Lesson 2: Components of Cannabis – In this lesson, we explore the compounds in marijuana, including cannabinoids and terpenes, and how they interact with the human body. We’ll dive into terms like entourage effect, covering how cannabis and its components can influence anxiety, appetite, memory, and various health conditions.
Lesson 3: Cannabis Products – With the cannabis industry booming, understanding the wide range of products available in general, as well as in cannabis cooking, is essential. This lesson breaks down the differences between products, CBD:THC ratios, potency, and how to read product labels. You’ll also discover various consumption methods and the characteristics of high and low-quality cannabis products.
Class 2: Cannabis Cooking Methods
Learning Objectives: Upon completing the Cannabis
Lesson 1: Preparing the Cannabis – Properly preparing cannabis for infusion greatly impacts the quality and potency of the final product. In this lesson, we dive into selecting suitable cannabis plant material, whether dried or fresh, and preparing it for infusion, including cleaning, removing unnecessary plant matter, and chopping.
Lesson 2: Cannabis Infusion – Once cannabis is properly prepared, it can be processed for various uses, such as infusing key components into oils, butters, and alcohol. This lesson covers essential topics like estimating potency for infusions, making cannabis oil, creating homemade ethanol marijuana tinctures, and even juicing fresh cannabis.
Lesson 3: Straining, Filtering, and Purging Cannabis – Proper technique is essential in cannabis infusion, including knowing how to strain, filter, and purge a product to remove contaminants while preserving its potency. We explore methods for straining and filtering cannabis tinctures and infusions, equipment choices, purging ethanol from tinctures, and safe storage for infused products.
Lesson 4: Cooking with Cannabis – Our experienced cannabis chefs guide you through estimating cannabis potency, dividing recipes into single-serving doses, and preparing various cannabis-infused products at home, from oils and butter to alcohol tinctures. We also cover cooking with cannabis extracts and concentrates, ensuring you have the skills needed for successful cannabis cooking.
Lesson 5: Cannabis Recipes – Explore a variety of cannabis recipes, from sweet edibles to savory dishes and even cannabis-infused topicals and beverages. Learn how to adjust serving sizes for desired potency, make refreshing cannabis beverages, create sweet treats like cookies and cakes, and prepare savory delights such as salads and entrees. Our CTU cannabis chefs share their expertise to help you craft an array of cannabis-infused culinary creations.
Class 3: Cannabis Cooking Careers
Learning Objectives: Upon completing the Cannabis
Lesson 1: Government Requirements For Cannabis Industry Workers – This lesson provides essential information about the requirements needed to begin a career in the cannabis cooking industry in the United States or Canada. It covers various topics, including age requirements, work permits, and legal regulations in different states, provinces, or territories.
Lesson 2: Cannabis Career Basics – In this lesson, you’ll learn the fundamentals of starting a career in the cannabis industry. Topics include where to find job opportunities, creating an effective resume and cover letter, utilizing online resources, networking, and gaining experience in the field.
Lesson 3: Cannabis Cooking Careers – Explore the world of cannabis cooking careers, with a focus on working in commercial kitchens. This lesson delves into the roles, responsibilities, education, experience, and opportunities available in the cannabis culinary industry, covering positions like kitchen employees, executive chefs, formulation chefs, and kitchen managers.
Class 4: Cannabis Cooking Business
Learning Objectives: Upon completing the Cannabis
Lesson 1: Government Requirements for Cannabis Businesses – This lesson guides you through the process of obtaining a special license to operate a cannabis business and explores the specific requirements for business applications in various legal regions across the United States and Canada. Topics covered include inventory tracking, licensing fees, and regulations from state to state and province to province, along with the unique challenges faced in the cannabis industry.
Lesson 2: Cannabis Business Basics – This lesson guides you through the process of obtaining a special license to operate a cannabis business and explores the specific requirements for business applications in various legal regions across the United States and Canada. Topics covered include inventory tracking, licensing fees, and regulations from state to state and province to province, along with the unique challenges faced in the cannabis industry.
Lesson 3: Cannabis Cooking Business – This lesson dives into the business of cooking with cannabis. It covers the challenges you might encounter, such as changing regulations and competition, and provides insights into writing a comprehensive business plan, pricing strategies, stages of business development, specialization, and intellectual property. Additionally, it covers marketing and sales tactics, financial aspects, the importance of pitch decks, advertising challenges, cannabis holidays, and inventory management.
Class 5: Intro to Cannabis Laws/Regulations and Cooking
Learning Objectives: After finishing the Intro to Cannabis
Lesson 1: Cannabis Laws in the United States – An introduction to adult use, medical, and recreational programs in each state. The lesson explores federal and state regulations, public support, legal interactions, court cases, federal laws, privacy concerns, firearms, the DEA, and details about medical and recreational programs. It also delves into the specifics of cannabis possession, distribution, manufacturing, cultivation, and trafficking.
Lesson 2: Cannabis Laws in Canada – An introduction to Canadian cannabis laws after nationwide legalization. This lesson focuses on the Cannabis Act, federal medical programs, Health Canada’s role, qualifying conditions, and federal laws regarding possession, public consumption, distribution, cultivation. It also covers the unique regulations in Canadian provinces and territories.
Handouts and Resources:
Handouts and resources can be downloaded:
- Definitions: Cannabis Basics Terminology
- Chart: Characteristics Of Cannabis Types
- Chart: Effects Of Common Cannabinoids
- Chart: Effects of Common Cannabis Terpenes
- Chart: Effects Of Common Cannabinoids On Receptors
- Chart: Entourage Effects
- Chart: Cannabis Consumption Methods
- Chart: Storage For Cannabis Products
- Procedure: Dab Equipment And How To Dab
- How To Become A Medical Cannabis Caregiver
- Definitions: Cannabis Cooking And Extraction Terms
- Information Sheet: Terpene and Cannabinoid Chemistry
- Procedure: How to Make Bubble Hash
- Procedure: How to Make Rosin At Home
- Supplemental Reading List: Cannabis Cooking And Extraction
- Sample: Cover Letter For Entry Level Grower
- Sample: Resume For Entry Level Grower
- Sample: Cover Letter For Dispensary Manager
- Sample: Resume For Dispensary Manager
- MS Word Template: Cover Letter Builder
- MS Word Template: Resume Builder
- Definitions: Cannabis Business Terms
- Sample: Blunt Royale Business Plan
- Sample: Blunt Royale Pitch Deck
- Checklist: Cannabis Industry Business Plan
- Checklist: Cannabis Industry Pitch Deck
- How to Become a Cannabis Expert
- How to Become a Marijuana Entrepreneur
- Definitions: Cannabis Legal Terminology
- How To Become A Cannabis Extraction Technician
- Calculator: Cannabis Dry Weight Conversions
- Supplemental Reading List: Cannabis Basics
Benefits of a Certificate Program from OCE:
Accredited by ANSI/IACET, so students earn CEUs with the completion of every program.
48-hour refund policy.
The only turn key cannabis programs with updated laws and regulations from all 50 US states, Canada, and over 50 countries from around the world.
Cannabis industry specific resume and cover letter tutorials come standard for every unique aspect of the cannabis industry.
Job training and in-depth skills training from cannabis experts and cannabis masters.
Alex B.
– Cannabis Product Development